The most powerful & efficient national magazine offer

Reach 1 out of 2 Belgians with Magixx
Magixx is the leading magazine alliance in Belgium, associating 3 key actors (Roularta, DPG & Rossel Advertising) in a packaged, powerful and easy offering.

The latest (Oct '24) CIM numbers show consolidated results
for the Magixx Packs.
Magixx Reach (Libelle, Femmes d'aujourd'hui, Knack, Le Vif, Dag Allemaal, Humo, Soir Magazine and Ciné Télé Revue)
reaches 1 out of 3 Belgians (16+).
With Magixx Reach 3, you can even reach almost 1 out of 2 Belgians.
This pack stands for engaged audiences receptive for magazine brands and advertising.

A powerful and highly qualitative reach
Magazine readers are a highly engaged audience, focused on their reading. They are seeing ads as an integral parts of the content. In a world of fast content, magazines offer the unique opportunity of a "slow media", allowing your message to be seen, well perceived and memorized in a qualitative context.