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Easy and powerful packages to reach your target 

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The external research expert AqRate tested different campaigns on Recognition and Attribution. The results are very high! 58% of the research panel saw the Magixx campaign. Of those that saw the campaign, 69% could attribute it to the right advertiser.

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Benchmark gross memorization AQRate: 32%

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Benchmark gross attribution: AQRate: 61%

Since the era of Magazines, ads are seen as an integral part of the medium. There is even a positive sentiment towards them. 

84proc agree that ads in magazines show interesting promo-2.PNG
Based on the measurement of our campaigns,
we established a benchmark score of 73% for the appreciation of the campaigns featured in the magazines.

Local editors are perceived as very qualitative.  Magazines have always been perceived as positive due to the strong journalistic character and interesting content.

88 agre that belgian magazines are high quality.PNG
77 say that they discovered products or brands thanks to ads in magazines.PNG

Ads in magazines aren't only for the show.  because there are not to many ads within one edition, the clutter is minimal. it shows in the results, as 3 our of 4 say they discovered a new product or brand while reading a magazine.

Ads in magazines also deliver direct impact. 3 out of 5 respondents state they want to visit a website after seeing a campaign.
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*Source: Magixx Posts test Trackers - 2021-2025 (by AqRate)

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